Friday, December 27, 2019

Oseberg - Viking Ship Burial in Norway

Oseberg is the name of a Viking ship burial, located near present-day Tà ¸nsberg, Norway, about 60 miles (95 kilometers) south of Oslo, on the banks of the Oslo Fjord in Vestfold county. Oseberg is one of several ship burials in the region, but it is the richest and best preserved of such elite graves. Key Takeaways: Oseberg Ship Burial Oseberg is a Viking boat grave, the interment of two elite women inside a working ship. Created in 834 CE in eastern Norway south of Oslo, the ship and its contents were  remarkably well-preserved.  The ship was likely a royal barge built in 820 CE in western Norway.Completely excavated in 1904, archaeological research has been focused on the analysis and conservation of the recovered artifacts.   Viking Ship Description The Oseberg ship was a karvi, a clinker-constructed ship built almost entirely of oak, and measuring 70.5 feet (21.4 meters) long, 17 ft (5.1 m) wide, and 4.9 ft (1.58 m) deep, from the railing to keel. The hull was constructed of 12 board planks stacked horizontally on either side; the port and starboard upper board planks have 15 oar holes, meaning the ship would have been propelled by a total of 30 oars—the oars were included in the burial. Oseberg was an elaborately decorated ship, with several ornate carvings covering its hull, and it was decidedly not built for strength as a warship might have been. Analysis of the wooden parts of the ship suggested to archaeologists that the ship was originally a royal barge, built in Western Norway about 820 CE and used for short voyages along the coastlines. It wasnt terribly seaworthy, but it was overhauled immediately before the burial. The oars and yardarm were new and not the right size for the ship, and the anchor was too small. Tools found aboard the ship included two small axes, kitchen equipment including a quern for grinding grain located near a butchered ox. The handles on both were well-preserved, with a characteristic herringbone pattern known as spretteteljing in evidence. A small wooden chest was also identified: although it was empty, it is assumed to have been a tool chest. Animals represented in the faunal assemblage included two oxen, four dogs, and 13 horses; there were also sledges, wagons, and a vertical loom. Burial Chamber Gabriel Gustafson excavation: News photo of the Oseberg Viking Ship Burial, 1904. Hulton Archive / Getty Images In the middle of the barge was a timber-built box with a tent-like cover of roughly hewn oak planks and posts. The chamber had been plundered in the 10th century CE—apparently part of ritual disturbances of many mounds during the reign of Harald Bluetooth (911–986 CE), who had ordered the destruction of mounds as part of his Christianization of the Scandinavian people. Despite Harolds efforts, the chamber still included the fragmented skeletal remains of two women, one aged in her 80s and the other in her early fifties. When it was excavated in 1904, the interior of the chamber still contained the remains of several textiles. Some of the textiles may have been bedding, or wall hangings, or both. There were the remains of the womens clothing discovered as well: over 150 fragments of silk were found woven into the garments of the women. Twelve of the fragments were silk embroidery, the earliest found to date in Scandinavia. Some of the silk had been treated with madder and kermes dyes. Some historians (such as Anne-Stine Ingstad, associated with the discovery of Leif Ericssons Lanse aux Meadows camp in Canada) have suggested the elderly woman was Queen Asa, mentioned in the Viking poem Ynglingatal; the younger woman is sometimes referred to as a hofgyà °ja or priestess. The name of Oseberg—the burial is named after the nearby town—might be interpreted as Asas berg; and the word berg is related to the Old High German/Old Anglo-Saxon terms for hill or grave mound. No archaeological evidence has been found to support this hypothesis. Dating the Oseberg Ship Detail of the Oseberg Cart from the Oseberg ship burial, 9th century. Print Collector / Hulton Archive / Getty Images Dendrochronological analysis of the grave chamber timbers gave a precise date of the construction as 834 CE. Radiocarbon dating of the skeletons returned a date of 1220–1230 BP, consistent with the tree ring dates. DNA could only be retrieved from the younger woman, and it suggests she may have originated from the Black Sea region. Stable isotope analysis suggests the two had a primarily terrestrial diet, with relatively small amounts of fish compared to typical Viking fare. Excavation Prior to excavation, the large mound built over the top by the Vikings had been known as Revehaugen or Fox Hill: after the nearby Gokstad ship was discovered in 1880, Fox Hill was presumed to also hold a ship, and clandestine attempts to uncover parts of the mound began. Much of the soil was removed and used for fill before 1902 when the first official survey of what was left of the mound was conducted. Oseberg was excavated by Swedish archaeologist Gabriel Gustafson (1853–1915) in 1904 and eventually written up by A.W. Brogger and Haakon Shetelig. The remarkable preservation of the contents was the result of the weight of the huge mound built above it, which pressed the ship and its contents down below the water table. The ship has been restored and it and its contents have been on display at the Viking Ship House at the University of Oslo since 1926. But over the last 20 years, scholars have noted that the wooden artifacts have become increasingly brittle. Conservation When Oseberg was discovered over a hundred years ago, scholars used typical preservation techniques of the day: all the wooden artifacts were treated to various mixtures of linseed oil, creosote, and/or potassium aluminum sulfate (alum), then coated in lacquer. At the time, the alum acted as a stabilizer, crystallizing the woods structure: but infrared analysis has shown that the alum has caused the complete breakdown of the cellulose, and the modification of lignin. Some of the objects are only held together by the thin layer of lacquer. The Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres have been addressing the issue, and conservationists at the National Museum of Denmark have been working on developing a comprehensive approach to the preservation of waterlogged wooden objects. Although the answers are as yet unclear, some potential exists for the creation of an artificial wood to replace that lost. Selected Sources Bill, Jan. Ambiguous Mobility in the Viking Age Ship Burial from Oseberg. Materialities of Passing: Explorations in Transformation, Transition and Transience. Eds. Bjerregaard, Peter, Anders Emil Rasmussen and Tim Flohr Sà ¸rensen. Vol. 3. Studies in Death, Materiality and the Origin of Time. New York: Routledge, 2016. 207–253. Print.---. Protecting against the Dead? On the Possible Use of Apotropaic Magic in the Oseberg Burial. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 26.1 (2016): 141–55. Print.Bill, Jan, and Aoife Daly. The Plundering of the Ship Graves from Oseberg and Gokstad: An Example of Power Politics? Antiquity 86.333 (2012): 808–24. Print.Draganits, E., et al. The Late Nordic Iron Age and Viking Age Royal Burial Site of Borre in Norway: ALS- and GPR-Based Landscape Reconstruction and Harbour Location at an Uplifting Coastal Area. Quaternary International 367 (2015): 96–110. Print.McQueen, Caitlin M. A., et al. New Insights into the Degradation Processes and Influence of the Conservation Treatment in Alum-Treated Wood from the Oseberg Collection. Microchemical Journal 132 (2017): 119–29. Print.Nordeide, Sà ¦bjà ¸rg Walaker. Death in Abundance Quickly! The Duration of the Oseberg Burial. Acta Archaeologica 82.1 (2011): 7–11. Print.Vederler, Marianne. Silk for the Vikings. Ancient Textiles Series 15. Oxford: Oxford Books, 2014.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Evaluation Of A Successful Student - 956 Words

Bosque 2 How to Become a Successful Student When you look back at yourself in high school, were you a student that always did well or were you the total opposite perhaps a procrastinator who always slacked off? Some students that begin their first semester of college find themselves struggling to keep up because of their old inadequate study habits and lackadaisical mentality. There may have been a time where you completed a project hastily the night before it was due or chose to go out and see a movie rather than staying in. Students make a choice everyday whether to prioritize their school work more or less. Despite this concept being the case, it doesn’t mean that you can’t become a successful student. By taking the right approach any individual can still become a successful student; preparation, self discipline, and proper time management are key factors. Preparation is crucial when you’re a student. Learning to prepare the night before will save you a lot of time in the morning especially if you’re running late. The first step is to put away your necessary supplies inside your bag so you don’t end up forgetting to grab them the next day. This includes a writing instrument, notebooks, loose leaf paper, a folder, and textbooks. Students should always carry a pencil and paper because without them you wouldn’t be able to take notes or jot down important dates in your notebook. Secondly, make sure to bring all required text books so that way you can followShow MoreRelatedTeaching And Learning Process Faculty1191 Words   |  5 Pagesdelivery and evaluation methods within a learner-centered syllabus. Course Delivery Method/Teaching Methods Delivery of course material will be based upon a multi-modal approach. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Physical Therapy College free essay sample

When considering the factors that can get in the way of a therapeutic relationship, communication is the main point of working in the health care field. It is important to be sensitive not only to the physical limitations of patients but to their emotional limitations as well. I am motivated to become a physical therapist because I want to enhance physical health, fitness and quality of life to adults and children. A good physical therapist is just as important as a good doctor. I know how devastating injuries can be to a person physically and mentally. In accident victims and individuals with disabling conditions, I understand how important it is to help people restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health. Therapists can change peoples lives by lifting their spirits and helping them get their quality of life back, and I would like to be a part of that. I have spent my life around active people. We will write a custom essay sample on Physical Therapy College or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have participated in athletics since I was very young and have played contact sports. I have excelled in baseball, and its the primary reason that I am choosing this specialty. Physical therapy can help the not so active people also. My mother has a neurological degenerative disease that causes her muscles to stiffen up, so it is very important for her to keep up with her range of motion, so that everyday tasks are easier on her. My aunt is another person in my life who has benefited from physical therapy in a dramatic way; she suffered a stroke about a year ago. She was confined to a wheel chair, and with the help of continual physical therapy, the use of her chair has been limited. My cousin works as head of the PT department at Staten Island University Hospital, and speaking with her, I have learned how demanding, and rewarding PT can be. I would like to work in the physical therapy industry as a sports trainer. I like the idea of being around sports while dealing with medicine and sport injuries. My goal would be to work with high school athletes anywhere up to professional athletes. My priority would be to make sure all my patients are successful and happy on their road to recovery. I know that I have the qualities that will make me successful to excel in PT.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Rules Of Relationships In Of Mice And Men And The Breakfast Club Essay

Rules of Relationships in Of Mice and Men and The Breakfast Club Rules of Relationship Kyle and I decided to research relationships as they are portrayed in movies for our presentation. Between us, we watched "The Breakfast Club", "Dead Poets Society", "Fried Green Tomatoes" and "Of Mice and Men." Today I'm going to discuss how rules of relationships were used in "The Breakfast Club" and "Of Mice and Men". I will list the rules portrayed in these movies and provide you with insight on the happenings of each movie. I think that "The Breakfast Club" and "Of Mice and Men" did an excellent job of demonstrating the rules of relationships. "Of Mice and Men" is a classic story with a timeless message. It's very good movie and novel. This movie is great drama for anyone from thirteen to ninety-nine years of age. In "Of Mice and Men", there are two rugged men, Lenny and George, who are good friends. Lenny, played by John Malkovich, is a soft spoken, big, and gentle character, who is unfortunately mentally disabled. Because of Lenny's problem keeping a job, the brothers are forced to move frequently. Lenny likes to touch things that appear to be soft or comforting to touch: hair for example. Lenny loves animals. George, played Gary Sinise, tries his hardest to be a good friend. He seems to be trapped by the fact of having a life that is full of unhappy things. George is about 35-40 years old. He is hard working, trustworthy, patience, caring, and a very responsible man. Throughout the movie, George seems to have gotten the short end of the stick. At the same time, I feel that George's meeting Lenny also had a positive i mpact on George. George learned a great deal of patience from his friendship with Lenny. This story ends in trajedy. George is forced to do what he thinks is best for all by killing Lenny after Lenny accidently killed a woman. With Lenny's death, George is given a chance to move on with his life and not have to worry about taking care of his friend. The other movie I'm going to discuss is "The Breakfast Club". This movie would be enjoyed by people ranging in age from junior high to middle aged. It's more of a younger portrayal of how life was and is in high school. It's a story of how five supposedly completely different students end up in detention on a Saturday and how they discover and use their similarities to make the day more enjoyable. As the story progresses, they learn not only about each other but also about themselves. In "The Breakfast Club", Andrew Clark, the jock played by Emilio Estevez , always seems to be pleasing other people: his father, his coach, his friends. Th ey all see him as a person that he doesn't necessarily WANT to be. Rather than disappoint them, he simply becomes who they think he is. This creates a lot of internal anger, which surfaces often throughout the movie. Brian Johnson, Anthony Michael Hall, excels academically but has little self-confidence to show for it. He tends to be hard on himself, and can't handle failure. Straight-laced and timid, he rarely bends the rules. My favorite character in the movie, by far, is John Bender, played by Judd Nelson. He has a lot of issues he doesn't care to talk about, and he deals with them by using dry humor and sarcasm. Allison Reynolds is a basket case. She's screwed up. One thing's for sure, Allison Reynolds, played by Ally Sheedy, LOVES attention. So she's got her quirks. She uses dandruff as "snow" on a picture she's drawn. She eats Cap'n Crunch and sugar from a Pixie Stix on bread as a sandwich. She doesn't speak for the first half of the movie, and when she finally does start talk ing, she doesn't stop. Allison leaves you wondering who she really is, but weird or not, she's certainly likable! Claire Standish, the spoiled brat played by Molly Ringwald, reminds me of the girls that I couldn't stand in high school! She places herself above everyone else in the movie. Sure, she's got her problems, just like all teenagers.